December 23, 2009

It's because you are a virgin

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  1. Well sometimes "tight" is used to describe something cool. It sounds like this person is in middle school where the kids still think that they are actually cool and can pull off terms like that even though they don't use them in any form of correct context.

  2. to the comment above me wtf just cause your a virgin doesnt make you shit at sex, beside how would you know if they've never had sex and they never said they were a virgin, it makes one of the few unslutty people left in life

  3. You retards, it's obvious she's not a virgin if someone told her that she's tight.

  4. well not necessarily...

  5. send me a pic of u, and if i like it come over to my house and we'll fix that problem

  6. i havent been a virgin since 05 & i still get told that. diff people r diff. period.
