January 15, 2010

A moral question

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  1. That's not very nice to call another human being an it.

  2. There are a lot of ignorant douchbags out there.

  3. Stop reffering to him/her as it...

  4. Seriously, "it"? I'm pretty sure being mentally handicapped is not the same as having no gender.

    Granted, the douchebag in question probably doesn't give a crap and sounds like he gave the person the alcohol for kicks . . .

  5. yeah ditto! that who does that? Call someone an it?! WOW! Thats just sick!

  6. Wow seriously, "It"! He is a person too!! and the girl with the best answer is lame too. It is morally wrong to think the way you do and treat another person like that. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  7. You are living goof that its wrong to give a mentally challenged person alcohol.

  8. haha so we can assume hells the only option here right?

  9. hahaha... i don't know why everyone's freaking out so much. i think whoever posted this is awesome... if i ever met them i would give them a high 5!

    (i think the "it" thing only adds to the humor...and i dont' believe in god or anything so i think i'm pretty safe:D)

    this totally made my day. *high5!* lol

  10. For one thing... *sighs* people can be so ignorant. "Mentally retarded" is not synonomous with "genderless." For another, I've seen people do crazier things after a few beers than run around making plane noises and falling down. (And they weren't mentally retarded.)

  11. Wow. This is just... awesome. I'd probably punch you if I didn't feel the need to throw up.

  12. They need to add a raiting option: "Asshole"

  13. ive seen this same question so many times before. trolls

  14. You call puppies IT.... not people. and no it is not wrong unless they are under the age of 21. But it was nice to include THEM.

  15. It was, for lack of a better word, generous of you to include them in your fun, but calling THEM an IT is uncalled for. He/She is a human being, not an object. And it isn't wrong unless HE or SHE is under the legal drinking age.

  16. you've made it clear who the real retard is
