January 7, 2010

Logic Fail

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  1. mate, this is 2010 not 1960.

  2. That sounds backwards. I'm an atheist chick and I wear swim trunks with a top that covers as much as possible without being a shirt. Hmmm.

  3. so.. god said "thou shalt not wear bikini's when in cancun"?

  4. i think your mistaking christians with mormans

  5. lmao i just feel like pointing out the many many fallacies here
    1 - christianity never outlaws wearing a bikini, clear and simple
    2 - atheism isn't the only alternative to christianity you know
    3 - a christians faith is not based on what they do, but what they believe. you cant simply be atheist if you do something wrong
    4 - what does age 18- over supposed to mean, 18 under, 18 over, or what

  6. Since when did being a Christian Mean you have to dress a certain way, I'am Christian and have no problems with how anyone dresses. I mean when God Created us he did so in our naked form, clothes are a product of Man not God.But i'am not about to start running around naked , just making a point.

  7. I agree with the two people who commented before me. Bikinis are just fine in the bible dude, I don't know what sexually deprived planet you're from...

  8. This is what confuses me. If clothes were invented as a sign that we have sinned, then shouldn't wearing less clothing be a sign we're forgiven?

  9. I wanna know what church he goes to so that I can avoid it. please find the current times!

  10. what this tells us is that christians dont go to the beach ;)

  11. oh wow clearly guy 2 up has never ever been in a relationship and lives on planet nobody. Most women DO have respect for themselves and not all men treat women like sex objects and peices of craps- just because you do doesn't mean everyone esle does. And wearing a bikini is not disrespectful! It's 2010 Grow Up!
